We thought the fascist scarecrow Franco was dead. Well, it's been ressuscitated: witness the fucking spics waving the fascist flag, talking the fascist talk...
The direct inheritors of dismal bloody scarecrow Franco are perfectly represented in the degenerate selection of creepy spics called in their horrid language "selefion epanola."
No Catalonian worth his salt supports the hated enemy's selection of creeps. Asspain is a Francoist invention, and whatever it does... stinks to fucking hell... for us Catalonians.
The sooner we seen them all erased from every fucking map in the world, the happier.
Here depicted the Arse-agones and his shitty fascistic "selefion". A few fascist turds running toward their final destination - a pond of shit.
[ací el merdagones i la seua "selefion" merdanyola.]
[Franco viu. El pensàvem mort, mes els franquistes, és a dir, els cagots, l'han ressuscitat. I torna a manar damunt l'irritant vesper, l'irritant femer, castelladre. Ah, podrits!]
[Quant als traïdors qui ajudaren els merdanyols a fer el ridícul histèric, només recordar'ls que tothom qui s'aconxorxa amb els cagots esdevé ja insalvable merda castelladra.]
[Uns quants esgarrapats cagallons franquistes en forma d'esvàstica els veus corrent cap a llur extinció, ço és, cap a la darrera bassa de merda.
Així s'hi neguin com pus tost millor.]
The shadowy bishop at work, testing the lavas, the imploding chestnuts, the ignited acorns...
tothom qui s'aconxorxa amb els cagots esdevé ja insalvable merda
taking a peek:
laid earlier:
peeps me nose:
- Eleuteri Qrim
- Under the speckled canopy / Where, along the autumnal whisper / Of fair weather, I walked, / The enkindled persimmon, / And then the flaming chestnut, / The imploded acorn, fell… /.../.../ My eyes, and nose, and ears, / And tongue, and skin, in joy / Praised such fragile perfection. .../.../