The shadowy bishop at work, testing the lavas, the imploding chestnuts, the ignited acorns...


Illcome figs for each and all


Illcome figs for each and all

Illcome figs for each and all

A stinky fig to all of youse
Who betted on the goitrous horse
To see to your shrinking-man horror
How the scowling monkey won
The monster race.

“Accentuate the uglier?”
“Let the best beast bust?”
“Resoundingly cooing in the snakepit?”
“Ouch, scorched my gullet, for I’m a clown?”
Who remembers now the swallowing singsongs?

“Cry, baby, cry!” as her partner
Called to the lesbian Pullthechainy
As she pulled the spiky rosary
From her spiny cunt — “’tis all her fault
She’s driven us nuts,” the choir answered.

And so, a lesbian fig for all
Of youse who wetted the wrong panties
Only to see to your fucking horror
How the wearer went to the bearer
Of the most skewed gossip — what a foxy whore
She of redneck Babylon.

Hear the sour snores of the beast
As she approaches to score your gullibilities
With the knotted swastikas of victory…

Boom-booms, and cornets salute
The flaring night of reckoning
Filmed by the leeches stuck at your throats
While on the black background old raucous songs
From the primordial campfires are heard again
And again as the advancing armies
Rough going over the clodded snows
Their slavering fangs denude…

Still then a shitted fig for you all
Who vetted the least offensive patsy
To do the dirty job the dirtiest bohunk
Was only capable of bringing to fruition.

The bilious lower country and its
Pulsion for extinction said loudly:
“Bring it on — our kingdom come!”

And the bloodiest animal answered
Their jungle call, “The end, he said,
My fellow citizens, is indeed at claw.”

And then: “Behold, eye to every screen
Tat-chin, tat-chin, welcome to apocalypse!
Welcome, welcome, wel… come…!”

taking a peek:

laid earlier:

peeps me nose:

My photo
Under the speckled canopy / Where, along the autumnal whisper / Of fair weather, I walked, / The enkindled persimmon, / And then the flaming chestnut, / The imploded acorn, fell… /.../.../ My eyes, and nose, and ears, / And tongue, and skin, in joy / Praised such fragile perfection. .../.../