The shadowy bishop at work, testing the lavas, the imploding chestnuts, the ignited acorns...


Gratulls means orgasm

Gratulls means orgasm.

Gratulls - word you spit when you sneeze, means also, naturally enough, orgasm.

Penelope’s son sneezed; he said: “Gratulls!” And this was thought to be an excellent omen. She said: “Now - this time it is the time - I’m ready to fuck the fellow comes this way; I mean, man, fed up with the fucking waiting!

Hear “gratulls!” and make - (and imagine it working good) - a wish! And may it come true!

And so people answer: And may it come true! [salut! a vos souhaits! gesundheit! força fins que se’ns clògon! (plenty of strength to them until they close themselves on us) (for the eyes are the orgasms = ah....ah....ay....ay.... = the eyes have the floor) (and gratulls = rub your eyes.)]

Bishopric of a bishop or episkopos = the one that watches from atop, and rubs with incredulity his eyes at the stupidity of the world.

Gratulls’ my the name of the sneeze....not really the name....I mean, the....onomatopoeia....of the sound of orgasm....the people go....“bisbe” or “bishop”....and they think “prick,” “dildo,” “olisbos,” “bisbe....”my name....a dildo that at the itching prick of it sneezes....?bishops....have you seen the hat they wear....rather, they carry....?kind of elongated prepuce....not, gland....most likely....enormous purple gland....sneezing....gratulls....!ah....the woman, she was called Carrie, Carrie Crawley....bishop....bisbe....meaning bishop....bisbe meaning also the fuck comes Llem....?the fellow, his name was Iu, Iu Llem, the woman Carrie Crawley and the name is....Gratulls Llem....Llem Gratulls....Bisbe Llem Gratulls....Bisbe added by yours myself....for the bishop certainly is the one that....offers more “gratulls....”more tickles in the right places....let’s say....more sneezes of orgasm....orgasmic sneezes, orgasmic....sneezes....indeed....the enormous purple gland coming.... spitting

taking a peek:

laid earlier:

peeps me nose:

My photo
Under the speckled canopy / Where, along the autumnal whisper / Of fair weather, I walked, / The enkindled persimmon, / And then the flaming chestnut, / The imploded acorn, fell… /.../.../ My eyes, and nose, and ears, / And tongue, and skin, in joy / Praised such fragile perfection. .../.../